Simple Things

I’ve probably said, “I’m simplifying” before.
I’ve definitely used the phrase, “We’re downsizing our flock.”

Well this year friends, we mean it.

In January, our last rabbits passed. Peacefully, snuggled up together.
They were our geriatrics and we had really enjoyed allowing them free reign the last few months of their lives. You could tell they enjoyed each others company and enjoy the freedom to roam, be bunnies again.

After that I took a shot at selling some chickens on Craigslist. Previously impossible, I used to give them away – but that got hard when everyone got into chickens. But folks, the tables have turned! There is a solid market to buy birds! Huge response!

The gal that took them offered $20 more than asking and drove 100 miles to come pick them up. Her story was so endearing though, I am glad I chose her. Why was she buying 9 chickens? Because she found a rooster in a field, that had an arrow through it’s head. She took it to the vet, it lived, she kept it, he needed friends.

What a kind soul.

Today a family came and bought 4 of our five remaining ducks.
The last duck is going to help fill out a friends flock.

Seriously – hot market for fowl these days. Who knew?

Looking forward to fewer chores and less shit.
And once the grass has grown in, it will be nice to let them roam a little too.

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